

Vocals board of trustees is small, it is made up of four members each of them dynamic, inspiring, committed and passionate about our work. They have a wealth of experience, expertise and qualities which they bring to the organisation. The Board includes a clinical psychologist (learning disabilities), an ex -local authority locality manager/social worker, a teacher ( learning disbaility) and buisnessman.

They are all dedicated to ensuring that the aims of the organisation are achieved and that peoples rights are upheld. One of the trustees has been on the management committee, in various roles, since the organisation was founded 29 years ago! 

Their hard work was recognised when DeVA selected them for ‘trustee of the year winners’. At the Devon Community Foundation volunteer of the year awards ceremony. 

If you are interested in becoming a trustee of Vocal, we would live to hear from you.  Please see our REACH page 

Vocal Advocacy 2014

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