Advocates help promote
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Easyfundraising is a way to raise money for good causes such as schools, charities, sports clubs, religious groups, community groups and more, simply by shopping online.
British Institute for Learning Disability
Challenging Behaviour FoundationWe are the charity for people with severe learning disabilities whose behaviour challenges.
Circles NetworkCircles Network is a UK wide voluntary organisation based in Warwickshire, renowned for building inclusive communities on the foundations of justice, advocacy, empowerment and friendships.
Health Related Easy Read Information Health WatchHealthwatch Devon is your consumer champion in health and care. We have significant statutory powers to ensure the voice of the consumer is strengthened and heard by those who commission, deliver and regulate health and care services.
PECSPyramid Educational Consultants – communication resources for children and Adults with LD
Devon Voluntary Action (DeVA) is a locally based Devon wide CVS partnership building vibrant, healthy communities.
RIX Research and Media is a research & development centre at the University of East London committed to realising the benefits of new media technology to transform the lives of people who have learning disabilities.
The Devon Advocacy Consortium provides an independent, professional advocacy service for people over 16 in Devon.
IMHAWe help millions of people affected by mental illness by challenging attitudes, changing lives. Here is just a selection about what we do, and what it means for you.
Spot Devon People FirstPeople with Learning Disabilities Speaking Up For Ourselves
Providing accommodation and support to adults
NewKeyNew Key will work with you to build the life you want.
ROCROC exists to help as many people as possible, throughout the UK, who have learning or similar disabilities to be who they want to be.
Shared Lives South WestWe specialise in the provision of Shared Lives services and offer a range of long term, short break and day services
Thera South WestThera South West support adults with a learning disability to live the lives they choose. - See more at: http://www.thera.co.uk/thera-south-west#sthash.SU8E86VU.dpuf
PLUSSInspiring people with disabilities to achieve work and a career
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