Advocates help promote
your rights

Vocal Advocacy
VOCAL is a small independent advocacy organisation operating in South and West Devon that helps adults with communication difficulties to understand and exercise their rights, make informed choices and speak up for themselves.
Whilst we specialise in supporting people who have a learning disability, we are also able to support people from other client groups such as people with autism, people with brain injuries, physical disabilities or mental health issues, older people and those with dementia. (Subject to funding being available.) More about what we do is included in our annual report.
Mark's video
Vocal has been awarded the Advocacy Quality Performance Mark (QPM) by the National Development Team for Inclusion (NDTi). The QPM is the only quality performance mark for organisations offering independent advocacy. To gain the QPM advocacy providers have to undergo a rigorous self assessment and a policy review. This is followed by a structured site visit by NDTi assessors. The Quality Mark is only awarded to advocacy organisations who can demonstrate that they are providing excellent services. Vocal is incredibly proud to have achieved this award for the second time and have its work validated in this way. If you would like to see Vocals report click here.


Vocal has been selected by the Henry Smith Charity to recieve 3 years of grant funding!
The purpose of the grant is to enable us to provide general...
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