
Vocal provides free independent advocacy.

Vocal has a contract  with the Devon Advocacy Consortium (DAC)  to provide statutory advocacy as detailed in The Care Act, and to fulfil the role of Paid Representative for people who have a DoLS in place.   

If you would like to make a referral for an Independent Care Act Advocate please download and return our referral form 

We can also provide General Issue based Advocacy for people who have a learning disability, primarily in South and West Devon and Torbay. To make a referral for an Independent General Advocate  please download and return a referral form

If you would like us to provide advocacy support for a parent who has a Learning disability or a difficutly with cognitive functioning who need help with child protection procedures. Please download and return a referral form  


Our advocates use a wide range of techniques and strategies – including technology and other media, to ascertain the views and wishes of people who have complex communication needs.

We are also able to provide advocacy support for people beyond the remit described above. Usually this is funded by our own fundraising efforts, charitable donations or by Grants.

There are some instances where funding may need to be agreed with the care provider or funding authority.  We work to the advocacy charter and will not charge service users for advocacy.

If you are not sure whether you meet our eligibility criteria please contact the office.

Vocal Advocacy has been awarded the Advocacy Quality Performance Mark (QPM) by the NDTi. This is the only advocacy quality mark for organisations offering independent advocacy. The Quality Mark is only awarded to organisations who can demonstrate that they provide excellent serivces. Vocal is incredibly proud to have achieved this award and have its work validated in this way. 

If you would like to read the report please click on this link.

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Vocal Advocacy 2014

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