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Vocal Planning helps people create plans that are person centred, meaningful and easy to understand. We achieve this by getting to know the person and listening to what is important to them now and in the future. We ensure that the person invites the people they want to the planning meeting, they choose where and when the meeting takes place, they are in control and at the centre of how the plan is made. The plans can be written, recorded, photographed or drawn. We specialise in supporting people with learning disabilities and communication difficulties. Vocal Planning empower people to take control of their lives. Our aim is to support people to get the life they want.
What sort of plans do Vocal Planning create?
Person Centred Plans (PCP)
We can assist people to make a plan about all aspects of their life, keeping the person central to the process and creation of the plan. It focuses on what is important to them now, in the future and any support they need. Vocal planning can also create plans about specific events for example moving house, accessing the community, going to college or volunteering. The finished Person Centred Plan can be updated as needs and wishes change. We can teach the client or their support team how to do this.
The completed PCP will not only reflect views and preferences, it reflects personality, clients can choose to add music and if they wish, and if they wish can record the narrative.
Support Plans for Social Care and/or Health Care
We help people to make a plan about how they will use their personal budget to meet their health and support needs. We work with people after they have had an assessment from either Social Services (the Council) or the NHS and have received an assessment summary and indicative budget (amount of money you can spend on meeting your identified needs). Vocal planning can help people research what is available to meet their needs, we try and help people to understand and weigh up the information so they can make a choice. We then help people create a plan that is personal and makes sense to them and which includes all the key information and costings that the Council and NHS require.
How much does our planning service cost?
There might be costs involved please call us on 01803 868300 to discuss your needs.
support planning
How do I make a referral?
Telephone - 01803 868300
Email - vocaladvocacy@btconnect.com

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