Quality Monitoring

Quality Monitoring

Vocal is commissioned by several local authorities to provide them with reassurances that the service they purchase for individuals is provided to them.   We complete ‘spot checks’ which take place at a frequency agreed with the commissioners and are unannounced, we spend time talking with the client, staff and reviewing records. We attend reviews if this is appropriate. We give both positive and negative feedback to the commissioners and the service providers, following our visits. This is particularily helpful to 'out of county' authorities who have placed people locally, where it is not cost effective for them to travel to visit the individual on a regular basis or for authorities placing people with complex needs who required additional monitoring.

We are also able to support internal quality monitoring of organisations, whether this be checking individual services in compliance with a specific area of the organisations quality standards.

Service User Engagement

Vocal can be commissioned by local providers to support people to complete satisfaction surveys as part of their own quality monitoring processes. This enables providers to receive information about their service with the reassurance that the person who has supported the service user is independent of the  team that are providing their care.

Vocal can facilitate house and service user group meetings, we can also support service users to attend organisational meetings where there is a focus on user engagement at a management level. This would include supporting the person to understand papers and canvassing their peers prior to the meeting, supporting the person to attend the meeting and feeding back.

The team at Vocal come from a broad range of backgrounds, all with experience of working with people with learning disability or complex communication difficulties lead by a nurse, specialist in working with people with learning disabilities and mental health and Ex-inspector of care homes.  The matching process to allocate a staff member to an individually commissioned piece of work takes into account the skills and experiences of each member of the team and the spesific requirements of the contract. All contracts are monitored and overseen by the Chief Officer.  

If you wish to commission Vocal to deliver any of these services or wish to discuss commissioning a bespoke service please get in touch.

Vocal Advocacy 2014

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