Advocates help promote
your rights

Advocacy Awareness – we run courses aimed at care staff from all sectors, explaining what advocacy is and the role of an advocate. These are ½ day events to give staff a basic understanding of advocacy, how and when to make a referral.
We do also provide bespoke courses, delivered in the work place to staff teams and/or service user groups. We have found it hugely beneficial to train both serivce users and thier support staff during the same session. The content of each course is agreed in advance with the organisation.
Multi Media Advocacy - Vocal is the only advocacy agency in the South West to hold trainer status. Accredited by the RIX Centre ( East London University) we can deliver training in multi media advocacy. These tools are not limited to advocacy or planning but can be used on a day to day basis to support effective communication.
Training can be provided to staff teams or individuals and service users, the content and delivery of each course agreed in advance.
Our team of trainers are experienced in advocacy either as advocates or as experts by experience - people who have recieved our service and now work as volunteers within the organisation.

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