
All sorts of people volunteer for many different reasons, but one thing that unites them all is that they find it rewarding, varied and challenging. Volunteering can add a great deal to your life and the lives of those for whom you volunteer. It offers you a chance to become involved in a project or with an organisation that you really care about as well as an opportunity to meet new and like-minded people. It also gives you the chance to try out something different to your 'everyday' job, which may lead on to new career options.

Here are some of the reasons why people chose to volunteer:

  • Make a positive difference
  • Gain skills
  • Make new friends
  • Have fun
  • Keep busy
  • Use existing skills
  • Gain work experience
  • Give something back
  • Sample a career
  • Do something different from paid job

Vocal is looking for volunteers for a range of roles in the organisation, such as volunteer advocates, trustees, volunteers to work with members groups and many more. You do not need experience, we will provide training, but you do need to be able to give a little time.

Volunteer advocates are given training and spend a period of time shadowing the work of one of our paid advocates. Once this initial induction period has finished and they feel confident they will begin to take the lead on their own cases supported by an advocate until they eventually feel able to manage cases on their own. Having said that all advocates both paid and volunteer work within teams where support is always available through a monthly system of team meetings and clinical supervision.

Similarly volunteers interested in becoming trustees shadow the work of trustees for a year before making the commitment to become a Vocal trustee. Trustees meet 6-8 times a year and in addition attend the 4 quarterly meetings held throughout the year when trustees, members, volunteers and staff meet to discuss Vocal’s work.

Volunteers who choose to work with members groups will be working alongside a member of staff who runs these groups.

Vocal Advocacy 2014

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